Environmental groups seek to defend Denton fracking ban

Soon after the city of Denton passed a prohibition on fracking earlier this year, the city was sued by several parties alleging that the fracking ban was invalid. It appears that the city of Denton may have some support in its defense of the fracking ban. On December 4th, Earthwork and the Denton Drilling Awareness Group (DDAG) filed a petition to intervene in the state of Texas’s lawsuit challenging the ban.

In support of their request to intervene, Earthwork and DDAG argued that they would have been able to successfully defend the fracking prohibition if the suit had been filed against them. Earthwork and DDAG also contended that they would be prejudiced if the fracking prohibition was found to be invalid. Specifically, Earthwork and DDAG cited to the time and resources they dedicated to having the ban passed, including assisting with the drafting of the ban.

Earthwork and DDAG have been deeply involved with the Denton fracking ban. They actively campaigned in Denton to encourage voters to adopt the fracking prohibition. In fact, DDAG created the “Frack Free Denton” campaign. Earthwork assisted DDAG, collected signatures in support of the fracking ban, and took steps to educate the Denton community about the fracking prohibition.

Read the petition.

This post was written by Barclay Nicholson (barclay.nicholson@nortonrosefulbright.com or 713 651 3662) and Johnjerica Hodge (johnjerica.hodge@nortonrosefulbright.com or 713 651 5698) from Norton Rose Fulbright's Energy Practice Group.